Tuesday, 24 July 2012

The Matrix's Monomyth & Plato's Allergory of the Cave

The Matrix is a movie depicted the human reality is actually simulated reality created by computer programme. The monomyth by Joseph Campbell can be found in the structure of this movie. There is three main parts of monomyth: Departure, Initiation & Return.
First, the protagonist of The Matrix was a computer programmer called Thomas Anderson or 'Neo'. He is eager to find out the meaning of 'Matrix'. Hence, this will be the reason for him to step out from his world and seek for the answer. This step will be same as the departure in monomyth.

Next, the initiation of monomyth will be at the time when Neo was bring into the real world by Morpheus. During the journey, Neo was taking a series of test prepared by Morpheus until he face the truth challenge when he try to save Morpheus who captured by the Agents.

Finally, the return part of monomyth happened when true power of Neo as The One was released. He managed to erase the Agent who shot him and return to the mother ship.

Besides, the story of The Matrix was apparently same as Plato's Allergory of the cave which both of it showed the sense and the form of 'real'. In the Matrix, the world where people can taste the food was a Matrix which is not a real world and barely an illusion which accepted by human kin to live with. in contrast, Plato's cave was also telling prisoners that things they saw in the cave wasn't real, only the form from the outside of cave is real. In short, real is achieved when our mind believed that it's real due to the sustain of the real thing accepted. The real will be no longer real until the real's truth was revealed and being accepted.

by Tan Keh Guan (1201123)

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