Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Tang Yong Sheng 1103341

How is the Matrix fits monomyth and the Plato's allegory of the caves.

In the first stage, departure, Neo choose the red pil it is because he want to know about the meaning of the matrix. He is restless and eager to know the answer. It is same with the monomyth. Next, Morpheus is guiding and explaining the real world and do a lot of training to Neo. When he save the Morpheus's life, he realize the he had to live in the real world. This is the stage of initiation. For the return stage, Neo had decide to have the red pil but not blue pil. It is because he don't want to continue his live in the matrix with no answer. All in all, he decide to live in the real world and back to the matrix only for the mission.

The matrix is covering everyone's eyes and making them blind from the truth. So, everyone can just live in their imagination and ideal world. Same with the Plato's allegory. The men in the caves can just see the shadow and live in their imagination. They can't see the truth or they don't know what is truth. In the matrix, Neo choose the red pil to know what the matrix is. If someone who don't want to know the truth, they can just choose the blue pil and back to the dream as well as live in the matrix. The men in the cave who don't want to know and can't accept the truth, they just kill the men who know the truth. So they can back to the seat and live in the world with shadow and imagination forever.

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