Friday, 3 August 2012

The Vitruvian Man

Sketches of Vitruvian Man

The Vitruvian Man was created by Leonardo da Vinci. The drawing was depicts a nude male figure in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square. The drawing and text are sometimes called the Canon of Proportions or, less often, Proportions of Man.

If a circle has radius = 1 unit, square side is equal to:
1.656 for Vitruvian Man
1.618 for Golden section construction
1.571 for the condition: circumference of the circle = perimeter of the square
1.772 for the condition: area of the circle = area of the square

Squaring the circle is a problem proposed by ancient geometers. It is the challenge of constructing a square with the same area as a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with compass and straightedge.

A circle with Radius = 1 and a square with side = 1.772.

The Area of the circle is 3.14 [ as determined by pi multiplied by the radius squared ].
The area of the square is also 3.14... [1.772 x 1.772 ]

The simplest composition is based on a square, which is duplicated and rotated 45º to form an octagram. The distance between the base line of the first square and the apex of the rotated one simply represents the diameter of the circle.


My opinion, I think that The Vitruvian Man drawing it was really a perfect composition and proportion of a man human figure.why it will using a human figure to make this drawing?From my knowledge about it, it is because the human figure is the perfect balance as symmetrical balance.That was show that the human figure is totally same as left and right side. What you can look at the left side you will also can see it at the right side by same position. The calculation of the human figure are equal, from the left side and the right side by using a square and a circle to balance it.

Written by Teo Eng Seng 1204532

by Tang Yong Sheng



by Tan Xiao Han



The Vitruvian man is a drawing first created by Leonardo Da Vinci. It's main purpose is to measure the human body proportion of man by using a circle and square. Besides then Leonardo, there is also others version of vitruvian Man created by architect or scholar like fra giovanni giocondo, cesare cesariano, frscesco giorgi, tacolla and soon. Among these vitruvian man drawing, Leonardo's drawing and description is the best as it is clearly describe the man proportion in two difference stretching movements. In his drawing, the arms of vitruvian man which is in horizontal static torm touched the square and its only touched the circle when its raised up around 20 degrees. The legs was the most interesting parts because no matter how it lifts up or down, its always touched the circle. No doubt, this vitruvian man is the ideal of human body proportion as the human proportion in this earth might not all the same. 

by Tan Keh Guan (1201123) 

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