Saturday, 9 June 2012

Teh Wennie ~1005158

What Do You Want From This Course?

 learn the skills, gain knowledge, and to proceed the job.

What Do You Want To Be Doing In 5 Years? 10 Years? 20 Years?

After 5 years I will find a job related with my course to gain more experience and at the same time I'm planning to be photographer.  10 years later I'm planning to get an opportunity to work at the other country to gain more experience for my carrier. At the same time I will bring my family members along and stay at there together. And if there is any chance, i would like to open an art school and an art tuition center to gain more income for my family. 20 years later i would travel around the world to see how large will be this world is which full of arts and design. And not only that, perhaps i would start an art gallery for my carrier.

What Do You Hope To Get From This Particular Class?

To gain more knowledge about art and design from the history. Most important part is, i shall also keen to know where's does the art and design come from.

Is History Of Art And Design Necessary Do You Think For Your Larger Goals?

For me, history is a must to know by everyone. As a designer, we should totally understand about the history of art and design.

Image Of The Most Beautiful Things For Me.

FAMILY = Family is the most important in our life, because we depends with each other and this is why our parents were the person that understand our personality very well. Without one of them its just like we lost a piece of puzzle and we will never successfully finish the puzzle. 

The Most Ugliest Thing For Me...

TEARS = From a person emotional stress, anger or suffering. For me this is ugly if we cry. Why? as a human being, we living for HAPPINESS not for SADNESS. That is the reason why we should not cry because of SADNESS...

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